Re: Future Idea (waywayway future)

Jason Whittle wrote:
> >What you are saying is already possible. For example many of the
> >'xscreensaver' items can be used on your root background, instead of as a
> >screensaver.
> How does one set this up? I have all these extra cycles lying arond, and I don't know what to do with them.

Run the xscreensaver module you want with the -root option. On a RedHat
6.2 box, this means:

/usr/X11R6/lib/xscreensaver/xmatrix -root

On other distributions, YMMV.

Stick this command somewhere that will get executed automatically on
login - in a .xinitrc or .xsession script (if you have one), or in the
gnome startup list (Foot Menu->Settings->Session->Startup programs), and
you've got yourself an animated background. You may also want to add
some extra flags to slow the xmatrix simulation down a little, depending
on how many clock cycles you have to burn. Run xmatrix --help to find
out the full set of options.

Most (all?) of the xscreensaver modules will work in much the same way,
so anything you can have a screensaver you can have as a background
animation. BSOD as a background image could be deeply surreal...

Russ Magee %-)

Russell Keith-Magee
PhD Research Student
School of Computing, Curtin University of Technology
email: keithmag cs curtin edu au OR russ magee computer org
Ph: +61 8 9266 2129    FAX +61 8 9266 2819
Custer committed Siouxicide.

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