Re: Future Idea (waywayway future)

Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:
> > I've never had a desire for this so I've never tried it or looked into it
> > (note; most (if not all) of the xscreensaver "hacks" have the ability to
> > run on the 'root' window if you give them the '-root' option)
> >
> For some time now I have had xmatrix running as a background to GDM on
> my login screen.  Choose a nice gtk theme like E13 and it really makes
> windows geeks take a second and third look when they walk in the room.
> First look - Oh, a matrix screen saver...
> Second look - Login screen?
> Third look - Hey, I didn't know NT could do that...  How did you get the
> cool looking logon?

O!  Please tell!  How do you do that!

Now I'd have a good reason to logout each night!

Glenn Valenta   Engineering @
valenta home com Personal mail http://402721926:5829/
glenn coloradostudios com     Work mail

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