Re: not to complain, but

> so ive been using Helix gnome for a bit now, and i have to say, it has lots 
> of promise

Yes, lots of promise

> but i noticed that some of the applets crash, some features dont work, etc.

The only applet I ahve crash is the desk guide, and I guess it's due to
the new eye candy mini screens it draws, no doubt already fixed in

> im wondering, does helix gnome have a bad rap among you folks?  what are 
> your favorite window managers? (note that im not lacking in horsepower)
> though i may be lacking in quality binaries, but i dont know.

I think most people will agree that the helix code Gnome is as good as
any other, it is after all the same source code etc. It could be a
general X thing rathr tha na window manager, try re-configuring X on
your system, 


  Rob Brown-Bayliss

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