Problems using remote X in Gnome 1.2

I've got Gnome 1.2 up and running correctly on my machine, but I having
a little trouble hosting a remote X session off from it.

Here's what works: sitting down at the actual machine and logging in at
the gdm prompt takes me into a Gnome session.  Using Exceed on my PC,
again I see the gdm screen, can log in and use Gnome.

What does work:  we have a NCD X terminal, that when booted shows all
the machines in our company that are willing to manage an xdmcp
session.  The machine I want to use shows up in this display, so I
connect to it and again get the gdm screen.  I'm able to type in my
login and password and it takes me to the Welcome to Gnome splash
screen, the icons start parading across but stop at the Starting:
magicdev point.  Normally the next icon to load would be the Sawfish
window manager one, but that never occurs, when using this X terminal
machine.  One other thing that looks different is that the flowers that
are in the "Welcome to Gnome" screen look like they are at a lower color
depth than if I use Exceed from my PC or sit at the actual Linux box.
Could this be the problem - that Sawfish is trying to too many color for
the X terminal that I am trying to login from?

Any ideas would be great.  This all used to work fine under Gnome 1.0
and all I've done since the last time it worked was upgraded to Gnome
1.2 using the Helix-Gnome installer.

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