Re: installing gnome

Sen Peng wrote:
> Hi, I am very new to gnome. I am using suse, and I download the
> precompiled suse package from gnome ftp. And I did rpm as they described
> on the web site. but, I couldn't find the command "panel" to get it
> started. I also try to export WINDOWMANAGER=gnome-session, but still
> nothing happened. Can some one give me a hand
> Thanks a lot
> Charles

As usual it would be helpful if you included the version of the suse
distribution you are using.
in suse 5.* I don't remember how the start it, if you know a little
about shell-scripts /usr/X11/bin/startx and .xinitrc in your home
directory are good places to start looking around.
In suse 6.4 (maybe earlier 6.* too) you have to export WINDOWMANAGER
with the full path to gnome-session eg. something like, but the path may
be different:

export WINDOWMANAGER=/opt/gnome/bin/gnome-session

as last option you may try runnning "xinit --" which will start X11 with
only a terminal running, then (after moving the mouse into the window
that shows up) just try to start "gnome-session".

If this still doesn't help you may have missed an package you need to
start gnome.

Martin Hostettler

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