Re: Problems with gnome-print and fonts and gnumeric


I have a similar problem in installing helix-gnome on an Ultra-2
running solaris 7, only the directory /usr/share/fonts/ is totally
empty after the install.  I'm now in the process of trying to
trace what libraries and programs I need to get it fixed, though
at this point it's sort of defeating the purpose of grabbing
the helix-gnome package to begin with. 

This is not a criticism of the helix people.  It's a young distribution,
and I'm sure they are 
working to correct gaps and bugs as they are made aware of them, 
but so far I've found the solaris package to have several points
of instability which periodically render gnome useless on my
box (for instance any attempt on my part to change themes has brought
the whole sytem to a halt, and has plunged me back into CDE while
I reinstall).


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