Re: Helix installer problems

On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 11:50:29AM +1200, Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:
> Hi.  I am installing Gnome via the Helix installer.
> All went well until my dodgy ISP cut me off.  I start again and it finds the
> already downloaded rpm's and contiues.  Lost the connection again.  Now when
> I try the installer tells me I need atleas 109 megs of HD space before I can
> continue.  I have over 3 gigs free on that partition.

  It may not be the ISP but the server itself which cuts you off.
For example on rpmfind, if the load is too hight and client have more
than 5 connection, i cut them off. I have seen clients with more than
30 simultaneous connections. most of those "abusers" are actually
helixcode upgrade tools.
  BTW for people with low or medium connectivity, multiplexing
30 connections over say a modem line is the best way to ensure that
one will not be able to fetch *any* resources. That version of the
helix update tool is completely broken in this respect, I hope it's
fixed now considering the number of people reporting the problem.

  The solution I use is:
    - install rpmfind-1.5
    - add the nearest helix mirror URL to the autoupgrade list
      for example 
    - run rpmfind --autoupgrade (possibly a couple of time)
 it's not perfect but it will handle dependancies and won't
do more than one FTP connection at a time.


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