Wanted app

I keep a notebook by my workstation that I use to record random
thoughts/ideas, conversation notes, to-dos, etc. -- things I don't
want to forget.  I could be typing these things into a file, but
it's a bit more inconvenient and I don't see any particular
advantage to doing so.  However, if there was an application that
could be used to easily maintain some organization to these notes
(the physical notebook is necessarily flat and sequential) that
would be very useful.  What I have in mind is something like a
dynamic gnome-help-browser that contained a WYSIWYG html editor
with hyperlinking capabilities; something much more than the simple
to-do apps that I've seen.  Does a tool like this already exist?


Neil N. Carlson                             Neil.Carlson@Motorola.com
Motorola Computational Materials Group      nnc@lanl.gov, nnc@newmexico.com
Los Alamos National Laboratory              Voice: 505-665-1220
Mailstop B221, Los Alamos, NM 87545         FAX: 505-665-5757

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