[Fwd: Bug in font rendering in XFree86 4.0 - 4.0.1?] -- Debugging/UI Inspection tool?


I am attempting to track down an XFree86 4.0.x bug that
causes the text in the GMC desktop icons to be misjustified.
I'd like a method of determining which fonts are being displayed.
Is there any client application for Gnome that will basically
inspect a client window and tell me it's properties (something
like Sun's xscope would be ideal, but I've failed to compile it
with XFree86 4.0.1 installed under Linux for X86 (lots of 
definition errors to do with PEX and so on).

If necessary, I can recompile GMC, but I'd really rather not.
I am currently running the latest rev. available through

Many thanks,

ML> I can't find xscope sources or binaries.  Care to tell me where to
ML> find them?

No idea where I found my copy.  I remember I had to modify it quite a
bit to get it to compile.

As an alternative, you could modify the Gnome sources to print the
names of the fonts used to standard output.


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