Re: gmc segfaults

>  I upgraded to mc-4.5.40-2 and it seems to have solved the problem. But I am
>  still wondering why this segfaulted only while logged in as root? What does
>  mc do differently for plain user?

The only different thing is that it pops up the "you are root" warning
dialog.  The version of MC that comes with Red Hat Linux 6.1 has a bug
in that it activates the ORBit POA as soon as it initializes it, which
is before the root warning dialog appears.  So when it gets to the
idle loop when the dialog pops up, it takes in incoming CORBA requests
from magicdev, but at that point it really is not prepared to accept

The solution was to delay activation of the POA until MC is *really*
ready to take in CORBA requests, that is, after that dialog appears.


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