Balsa and other stuff

Hello all,

I've used pine and more recently mutt for mail ever since I started 
using Linux, even though I started using Gnome from it's pre-1.0 days. 
Anyway, a week ago I decided to switch over to a GUI based client, and 
so naturally downloaded Balsa.

Looks neat. It adapts the tried and tested interface of many GUI mail 
clients I've seen. The integration with the Gnome AddressBook is great. 
But there are a few features I expected it to have (since it was a Gnome 
App) that it didn't. Specifically, drag n drop messages from one mail 
box into another. I should be able to drag a message from the List pane 
to the Mailbox-Tree pane. I should also be able to drag mailboxes from 
one place to another (say inside a subdirectory). Maybe this feature is 
in CVS right now?

Also, it handles both very large mailboxes (> 1000 messages) and 
mailboxes stored in subdirectories. Very good. But, I am unable to 
create subdirectories in Balsa and place new (or old) mailboxes in them. 
I have to create a mailbox in the root mail directory, and then (using 
gmc or just plain command line) to create a subdirectory and move the 
mailbox file in it.

Finally, drag and dropping items from gmc into the message window (to 
add an attachment) ain't working. Still in development?

Apart from that, congrats to the developers of Balsa. Nice job.

Oh, BTW, this reminded me of another feature I'd like, not in Balsa but 
in the Panel. I can drag menu contents and "files" from gmc onto the 
panel to create shortcuts on the panel. I'd like to be able to do the 
same for the menu. I.e. if I drag a link or whatever from the panel or 
gmc onto any "main menu button", the menu should automatically open so I 
can keep dragging the link anywhere onto the menu. In other words I'd 
like on-the-fly simple menu editing - like rearranging the order of 
items, without having to start the menu editor.

Sorry for ranting so long .....

	= L

|   LOBAN AMAAN RAHMAN  <-- anagram of -->  AHA! AN ABNORMAL MAN!   |
|  MSC #763, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91126, USA. Tel: 1-626-395-1407  |
|,,     |

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