Re: window size

>> We are not targeting a Sun with a 21 inch monitor but a lot of guys with
>> different hardware and sometimes no option to buy more. So as Telsa says,
>> all apps should run in 640 * 480.
>Or, (640x412)-(Some variable amount for window decoration). The typical
>panel is 52 pixels deep. Or for a panel on the side -> 588x480. So maybe
>the standard should be 588x412 including decoration. One could just
>autohide the panel, but that isn't always desirable, and shouldn't be
>required by default.

I was speaking about the screen size. Of course you must remove the panel
area, window decorations and so on to get the usable size that the window
must have. Screen size - panel size - window decor.

>Really, we should start thinking about making at least the core set of
>applets (drive mounts, volume, launchers, icons, etc.) capable of being
>smaller (as an option, of course) so that the panel can realize a
>smaller size. It might not be artistically cool, but for some situations
>it would help usability a lot. Frankly, the panel eats up too much of
>the screen in 640x480, and arguably the same for 800x600.

Yes, I have some machines that run at 800 * 600. The panel is just too big.
Some of my users use autohide, other do not. I always use it, even in the
machines capable of 1600 * 1200. And if you use autohide function you still
lose some pixels, btw.

>Well, my rant is over now. It's just that I set up a lot of older
>hardware and laptops where this has been a problem. I hate to have to
>suggest, "Well don't use GNOME."

Yes, it is a pity to say that, specially if other OS show that you can run
lots of things at that resolution.


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