Re: Questions from new user

Toralf Lund wrote:
> > >   1. Is there a desktop pager application that runs in a separate
> > >      window? I find that the pager applet is too small to be useful, or
> > >      it makes the panel too large, depending on how you configure it.
> >
> > I think this may depend on your window manager. At a guess, if you
> > are new to Gnome you are running Enlightenment, but you may not
> > be. Are you? What version of Gnome are you running? Click on the
> > "about" option of the panel and that will give you the version
> > of your panel. (Why doesn't 'About Gnome' give the Gnome version,
> > btw? It brings up info about your system rather than about Gnome.)
> I am running Elightenment at the moment, but I've also experimented a bit

If you're using E15, then you don't know what the previous poster was
talking about.  If you're using E16, you've seen the pretty, big,
separate pager.

> The panel version is 1.0.39. I suspect there isn't really such a thing as a
> Gnome version, since most of the components are distributed separately.

Occasionally most of the GNOME components are synched up -- 1.0.50
through 1.0.54, for example.  And when the component version numbers
drift, the versions of gnome-core and gnome-libs are, at the least, the
same, always.

= Warren -- ICBM Address: 36.8274040 N, 108.0204086 W, alt. 1714m

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