Re: mailer/news reader

On 6 Jan 2000, "Thomas R. Shannon" wrote:

> I'm looking for a good gnome mailer and news reader.  I don't see many
> that look complete.  I'd like to hear you're experiences.

Well, for an e-mail client I would suggest looking at Spruce. Get the latest
(or if you want rpm I think second latest) instead of what it refers to as stable.
The latest is much more stable than the stable version.

Spruce, has all the basics. I use it on a day to day basis and it works great
for me.

As far as newsreaders you might want to look at Pan. It is decent, although the
interface could use some work. Also, it is fairly bug ridden. If you need
something for just occasional use it will suffice, but if you read news groups often
I would say keep searching.

Eric Anderson
CS, Georgia Institute of Technology
Co-op, Southern Regional Education Board
ICQ# 1279816

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