Re: GNOME Summary Dec 15, 1999 - Jan 3, 2000: Miguel wins "Innovatorof the Year," Linux Journal article on GNOME, interview with GNOME developers,call for packaging volunteers, GNOME Logo environment, CTWM support, Software:Balsa, BEAST/BSE, Dia, libxml, Sugar


I have been thinking about the package management stuff. The problem is,
the package managers are not compatible. While alien is handy to convert
between them, it doesnt allways work. What we need, is some kind of system
where we can create a universal .pm file, and run a program on it to
generate .spec files and debian files, and whatever other pm files so that
we only have to make one pm file instead of many. This would make
maintaining this stuff simple. Also, a utility could be created to
parse in a and that way, it could keep track of changes to
files that get installed, without needing recodeing of the .pm file every
time. With this kind of setup, the lack of packages for any system would
be solved. they could just grab the tarball if no package exists, and
rpm -ta (or the equivilent) it. 

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