Re: Request: Test suite for EFS.

On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, George Farris wrote:
GF > > I still think that a "newbie (who just wants to have a document)" would
GF > > not be useing the command line to do his/her copying. They would be useing
GF > > gmc or nautilus. The guru's would be the only ones to be doing that
GF > > command line copying, and they could grasp the concept. Most windows users
GF > > never touch DOS, so why do you think the newbie gnome users would touch
GF > > the console?
GF > > 
GF > 
GF > Trust me this is absolutly NOT true.  I teach Linux at a local 
GF > College and run the local users group.  Many new users are astounded 
GF > at the power of the command line and fall into it right away.  The 
GF > reason most windows users don't touch DOS is two fold.  
GF > 

PMFI but as a 'newbie' I would have to disagree.  It might become true
for a class that is being shown and taught how to use the command-line,
but for an individual this would take a fair amount of time to work
through the vast amount of documentation supplied with distro's. 
Personally I prefer to use a graphical environment where I can use
such things as drag and drop.  Why should I type 26 characters to do
something  one mouse click can do.

I was brought up on DOS and have only used Windows 3.1 for I short time
and then moved on to OS/2.  Now I am back into computing I chose Linux
because of the strides it is making and because I dislike the way
Windows (IMHO) restricts the ability to create an environment suitable
for the individual.

The command-line isn't the be-all-and-end-all of Linux/Unix computing.

GF > Most people teaching windows don't understand DOS and couldn't
type a  GF > command if their life depended on it.  I see it every day.
GF > 
GF > DOS command line is nothing like unix.  There is almost no point 
GF > in learning it.  Try renaming all your *.com files to *.bat files 
GF > with a graphical file manager.

I am not so sure that this isn't possible in Windows.

GF > 
GF > -- 
GF > George Farris - VE7FRG
GF >
GF > 
GF > 
GF > 
GF > -- 
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Cheltenham, UK
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