Re: Modest idea

>	What we need is Macromedia Director.

I 've never had a look to this app but I heard of it. What we need
is to be sure to cover as many applications as possible through
such a unique piece of software.
I don't have children so I can't talk about existing educational apps on 
Windows. However, I do know that cultural products are built
the same way, with sometime fullscreen, aminations, video, audio
comments, clickable pictures, knowledge databases like dictionnaries, and of 
course the most important : dynamic links between pages.

What could be the limits of this application: I mean what would
we be able to do with and what would it be not build for ?
Gimp is here and is a great image/animation tool.

Must be thought about.

I don't really know gnome programming, but I sure can help a lot with 
functionnal and technical specs.


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