Closing a Gnome Session Remotely

Hello everyone.

I use gnome on my home computer, and when I go to work, I connect to my
home computer using Exceed (and XDMCP Broadcast) and use it again.

Now, if I already had a Gnome Session running on my home computer, and then
I run gnome-session again from another computer remotely, it starts two
copies of everything, windowmanager, applets and all. This is fine and good,
except it taxes my memory a bit.

I want to be able to close a gnome-session remotely. Is there way to do this
cleanly, so that the session can be saved and all?

Currently I do a "killall gnome-session", and that seems to close all apps,
applets, and even exit out to gdm. But I don't think I can save session using
that method.


	= L

|   LOBAN AMAAN RAHMAN  <-- anagram of -->  AHA! AN ABNORMAL MAN!   |
|  MSC #763, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91126, USA. Tel: 1-626-395-1407  |
|,,     |

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