Re: Raising windows across desktops

Toralf Lund <> writes:

> > > Is there any way to set up GNOME so that windows that are raised by the
> > > application (e.g as the result of a menu selection) are moved
> > > automatically to the current virtual desktop?
> I couldn't get this to work. Do I have to configure Sawmill in a special
> way?

You can use the sawmill configurator (sawmill-ui).
I append some mailing clip which describes the procedure:

***** [ from a mailing of David Harris on the sawmill ML ] *****

In Customize -> Matched Windows, click "Add". Make sure you have a
Netscape window open. Under the first pull-down menu, select
"Class". Then hit the "Grab" button, and click the pointer on
Netscape. Further down, there's a text box that's labelled
"workspace". Put the number you want the workspace started in
there. The first workspace is "1", the second is "2" :) Just making
sure ;)



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