Re: Crosspad

Jeffry Smith wrote:

> I'm looking to get my Cross Crosspad working with linux.  Not being
> certain who to query to find out if there's already a project, I
> thought I would start with the gnome list.  Does anyone know of such a
> project?  I've checked freshmeat, GNOME software map, linuxberg,
> debian, and can't find one, but figured to ask.
> If not, any pointers on starting work on it?  I've got the pilot
> software, figuring that would be a starting point for building the
> communications, but I will also need something to monitor exactly
> what's going across the serial port.  If I end up doing this, my plan
> (in addition to open sourcing it) is to build in good Unix fashion:
> one program to handle the communications, one to do the file
> formatting (SVG?), a command line interface, a GUI (GTK) interface for
> controlling it, a tie-in to a vector drawing program to display the
> files (GILL?), etc.  However, I plan to start small, simply getting my
> computer to talk to the xpad.
> Note that I've never tried to do any of this before, so I'm really
> hoping to find a project, or get a lot of help on this.  However, they
> say open source is built to scratch an itch, and this is mine.
> thanks for any pointers or help

I have searched high and low for someone interested in drivers for the
Cross devces.  I have the cross iPen, not the one with the pad of paper
btw.  I have uncovered a small portion of the driver myself (piping the
serial port though od found that clicks made asteriks)..  The cordinate
system is strange, i forget how it works but it would be trivial to install
vmware and test it out (windows has the ablity to display the cordinates of
the pen).

I haven't written any usable code; just a small bit of undocumented
research and a automake/autoconf tree containing some non-working code.

Eric Windisch

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