RE: rpm'ing ORBit 0.5.0 difficulties

> I was assuming that I would have to hack the .spec file.  Any 
> suggestions where I should look?  I tried it before by removing 
> references to libIDL, but nothing changed.  I know that I missed a 
> couple, but I wasn't sure which were safe to remove and which weren't.

Sorry, no.  I just took a quick look through the .spec file and
I don't understand at all what's going on.  :^(

> I'm using SuSE 6.3, it looks like rpm version 3.03

Strange.  RH6.1 also uses rpm 3.03.  So, the difference (since
we're working with the same tarball and RPM version) should come
down to a Red Hat/SuSE difference?

Maybe somebody who understands the build differences between SuSE
and RH could help here?


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