Re: libxml installation "issues"

On Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 10:47:42AM +0100, Roberto Hoyle wrote:
> <NEWBIE clue="off">
> Ok, I'm lost here.
> I was trying to install libxml-1.8.6 from  I 
> downloaded the tarball, and did "rpm -tb libxml-1.8.6.tar.gz", and 
> that worked fine without a hitch.
> However, when I went to install that tarball, it would complain about 
> a missing prerequisite: /sbin/install-info.  The file existed, though.
> I went in to the spec and removed the pre-req, and it installed fine.
> So, what was I missing?  I'm assuming that removing the line from the 
> spec file is not the right thing to do, but it seems to work fine.

 Well, nobody until now complained about this dependancy. On the other
hand I don't know either what it is used for ...

 Someone has a clue ? Keep or drop ?


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