Re: GtkTextBox

> I'm appending text into a GtkText widget. All the functions available
> (from what I've seen in require me to specify
> a GdkFont and foreground and background GdkColors while doing so.
> How do I get the default colors and fonts for the current gtk
> theme (so that the fonts and colors I use match all the other widgets)?

Never mind answering this. I took a peek at the source code for this
function and realized that passing a NULL to those three arguments
causes the defaults to be used. This ought to be added to the

	= L

|   LOBAN AMAAN RAHMAN  <-- anagram of -->  AHA! AN ABNORMAL MAN!   |
|  MSC #763, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91126, USA. Tel: 1-626-395-1407  |
|,,     |

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