Re: [BUG?] gnome-applets and gnome-core 1.1.2 build on LinuxPPC (was: gnome-core/gnome-applets 1.1.2 "Curse of the Bambino" released)

john s jacobs anderson <> writes:

> >>>>> "Paul" == Paul Barnfather <> writes:
>   >> Under LinuxPPC 1999 Q3, gnome-core builds without a
>   >> hitch. Gnome-applets, however, gives this error:
>   Paul> Edit slashapp/Makefile and add -lz to the GNOME_APPLETS_LIBS =
>   Paul> line.
> As also suggested by Ali Abdin & Geraud Blanchet privately, the above
> works. Has a bug report been filed against this problem?

This just got fixed in CVS.

> I built and installed both gnome-core and gnome-applets, and I am
> seeing an issue: the one panel that I normally run is set to
> autohide, and consists of mainly drawers, with a few other buttons
> (term and logout). When I logged back out to console and re-startx'd after
> installing the new builds, the panel was not visible. However, the
> drawers were open and displaced up and to the left relative to where
> they should have been. The actual drawer icons wasn't visible, just the
> icons that slide out. Pressing the close button caused the drawers to
> slide closed, like normal, but since the icon wasn't there, they
> vanished.
> Hopefully that's more clear than it sounds like upon rereading. Known
> problem, or should I file a bug report? (Or am I filing a bug report
> now?)

Sigh.  I hate drawers.  Please file a report and hopefully I can get
George to fix my broken code in exchange for a beer.  I wonder how many
I owe him these days.

"Beware of bugs in the above code;  I have only 
 proved it correct, not tried it." -- D. Knuth

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