THanks for your response.  I'm already using vim and Makefiles at every
level on my software and testing.  THis doesn't help the EE's I workwith
that consider that if it works then is's ok.

I've found C-Forge out on the net that seems to work the way I want it to.
THey have an evaluation version (prefessional version that works for 30
days) .  I'm going to give ti a try.

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, Brian Seklecki wrote:

> I actually don't do any development, but if I did, I'd use VIM & an xterm to
> keep the insanity to a minimum.
> The GNOME webpage lists software by category.  Here it the URL for all
> indexed development utilities:
> Hopefully whichever platform you run doesn't limit you to applications
> dependent on GNOME.  Whenever I need to find software to suite my needs, I
> always use the FreeBSD ports collections, even though I don't run FreeBSD.
> They have the most extensive index of software on the internet:
> --Brian
> "Billy N. Patton" wrote:
> > Anyone know of an IDE the will maintain a large number of programs?
> > I have cshell scripts, perl scripts, c programs and c++ programs.
> > All of these are focused to the same end, QC of Integrated circuit cell
> > design.
> >
> > Currently I'm supporting some 60k+ lines of all the above.  I was ill last
> > week and the other engineers in my area are lost at the complexity of the
> > tree, test, versioning and installation.  I'm lloking for an IDE what will
> > manage all of it as well as let me develop, maintain, test and install.
> >
> > I've looked at CodeWarrior and it seems to be geared to Java/c/C++
> >
> > gIDE is just c and c++.
> >
> > ====+=========+=========+=========+=========+=========+=========+
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> > /____/_/_/_/\_, / /_/   \_,_/\__/\__/\___/_//_/
> >            /___/
> > Texas Instruments ASIC Circuit Design Methology Group
> > Dallas, Texas
> > 214-480-4455
> > bpatton dal asp ti com
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/____/_/_/_/\_, / /_/   \_,_/\__/\__/\___/_//_/
Texas Instruments ASIC Circuit Design Methology Group
Dallas, Texas
bpatton dal asp ti com

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