help changing the lock button

Hi all,

I'm trying to figure out a way to change the functionality of the lock
button in the main panel menu.  I don't want a users default to be to use
xscreensaver for the lock button on the gnome panel.  I'd rather be using
xlock, because it has a feature to let other people use the machine
(ie. lab machine).

So I've been trying to figure this out, and it seems that the lock button
action is hardcoded into panel?!?!  why oh why?  I've been trying to
recompile panel to use xlock instead but am coming to the conclusion that
this might take more effort than its worth... Has anyone ever done this
before. Am I just overlooking something really simple???

Please CC to me (tim cs dartmouth edu) with replies since I am not
subscribed to the list...

Thanks mucho for any help!!


Tim Tregubov

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