Re: Xscreensaver problem with contol center

In message <20001207022137 A11233 flux>, Ian Peters writes:

>alternative configuration (Jamie Zawinski doesn't believe that users
>should see a small version of the screensaver, so he maintains his

Are you sure about this?  It sounds wrong.

I think the reason he implemented -crapplet is that gnomecc uses a really
bizarre scheme to define modes, e.g.


.data seems pretty bizarre to me.  Also, when Jamie adds new modes to
xscreensaver they don't automatically show up in gnomecc.  I'm not strictly a
complainer, I've added a few .data files myself.

The maintainer of gnomecc is hard at work on a new screensaver applet which
fixes these limitations.  For now, though, -crapplet isn't bad at all, at least
for the moment.


John GOTTS <jgotts linuxsavvy com>

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