Re: [Nautilus-list] Re: medusa. What good does that do?

Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:

> > I timed medusa-indexd and it took over 45 minutes before I killed it and
> > changed /etc/crontab to run my daily tasks at a time when I'm more likely to be
> > at home and sound asleep.  I like to hack into the early hours.
> Does it need to reindex everything every time?  I am not to up with the
> play on atributs (flags or whatever) in the linux file system, but is
> there some way meduse can set a bit and say "Hey, I was here yesterday
> and nothing has changed, lets not reindex the 600meg /tmp directory
> today huh?"

Not reindexing files and directories that have not changed since the last indexing
is definitely a useful optimization.  medusa doesn't currently have the feature of
reusing unchanged index data, but this, along with more frequent updating, will be a
feature that will exist in the near future.


> --

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