issues with mouse cursor and DnD

Here's the problem I've been having:
When draging things around, (particularly in Nautilus but not exclusively)
sometimes when I try to drop (unclick), nothing happnes. The cursor remains
the same and there is little I can do to make the DnD stop. I can sometimes
do ctrl+alt+end to restart Enlightenment which can restore things, but
sometimes the WM isn't responsive to keybord commands (Same with SawFish so
it's not E causing the problem). My other options are ctrl+alt+F1, login and
kill the application that started the drag and finally ctrl+alt+bksp.

This seems to happen more often if I start draging imidately after I've
clicked on the item rather than waiting a moment for the cursor to change
indicating that the item has been picked up. (This might be just an
irrational feeling to be taken with a grain of salt.)


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