Re: Someone hacking via gnome?

Mark Volpe <> writes:

> Looks like you've been portscanned. What version of GNOME
> are you using? Ever since I upgraded to helix's distribution
> it doesn't open up ports anymore. Set up a basic firewall with:
> ipchains -A input -i ppp0 -p tcp -y -l -j DENY
> You may have to change ppp0 to whatever interface you are using.
> This command will deny all connection attempts to your machine, while
> letting your connection work normally. You can find more sophisticated
> firewall
> on the net. I use the one that came with the Roaring Penguin PPPoE package
> ( There are others, but their locations escape me
> at the moment.

I notice that the rp-pppoe firewall denies identd requests.  I see
these all the time.  What is identd good for?  Why should I deny them?

Jesse Hughes
"This update limits certain functionality in Outlook to provide a
higher level of security; it was not created to address a security
vulnerability within Outlook."  -Another innovative MS enhancement

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