Re: starting applet

> I meant it should list programs that when started would show up in
> <alt>+<tab>. Perhaps I missed something, but I was under the impression
> that the original post was regarding programs that would eventually be
> shown....

It was, but the goal was to kill them before they are shown. For example,
suppose the launch buttons for gnome-terminal and Netscape are right next
to each other, and you accidentally hit Netscape. Netscape will take a
while to load, and once it is loaded you could kill it with it's own close
button, so having an applet that kills it would be unnecessary. But if
the applet could show you the program before it opens you could kill it
without having to wait all that time for it to load.

Harry Henry Gebel, Senior Developer, Landon House SBS
West Dover Hundred, Delaware
PyNcurses: python binding for ncurses

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