Re: problems with Gnome help browser.

Jacob Berkman wrote:
> Dan <> writes:
> > Hi, I'm using YDL CS1.2 and October Gnome. I am unable to get a help screen
> > with any text in it. The browser comes up - empty. The path shown is toc: as
> > you'd expect and all the path definitions seem to be fine. Can anyone help me?
> Do you have files in $prefix/share/gnome/help/help-browser/ ?

All the files for help seem to be in "/usr/share/gnome/help/"
The path stops there. That is there is no directory "/usr/share/gnome/help/help-browser".
(I'm sorry but because of my newbie status I'm guessing what "$prefix" means here).
The paths defined in the help browser are all essentially
"/usr/share/gnome/help/" wirh the first branch changed to various things (is
this what $prefix means?)


_____________________________________________________________   .`.`o
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  Dan Kortschak                                          <\/    \_O> O
  Department of Genetics    phone:+61 8 8303 4863         "|'...'.\
  University of Adelaide    fax  :+61 8 8303 4399          '      :\
  Australia 5005     : \

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