RE: How to access internet?

Hya Bing,

first of welcome to linux community, i am pretty sure your trip will be much
better than Windows. Secondly are u a part of the university, meaning is ur
university your ISP, if so do u have access to static IP or dynamic, if u have
stataic IP, what u need to do is become root, then type > netcfg this tool will
help u to configure ur PC for networking with ur ISP. Almost forgot have u
setup ur network card yet.

Another thing is if u want to connect to the network using modem, u need to set
up ur PPP connection, the best source is
use that to search for setting up ur PC for networking.

Also the use of this list is for the gnome dev, so if u wanna talk to me dir,
just send me email to me as to not disturb other gnome guys doing important


On 05-Apr-2000 wrote:
> Dear All, 
> I am a new one who is interested in Linux. I installed RedHat 6.2 with GNOME
> for sparc yesterday. However, I am not clear how to configure the network so
> that I can access internet and the LAN in my lab. 
> I have some experiences on Solaris. Is it in the same way to do that? Could
> you please provide me with some online resource? 
> Thanks, 
> Bing 
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Amar S. Bhatti
Associate Engineer                          |    In a World without Fences,
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Electronics Integration and Software        |                     Linux Journal
GM Powertrain                               |       Linux Rules :-)          
Brighton, MI                                |    Micro$oft Windows Sucks :-(
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E-Mail: Amar S. Bhatti <>
Phone:  (810) 220 2685
Fax:    (810) 220 2655
Date:   05-Apr-2000
Time:   15:35:11
        All what I said is my own point of view, not the one of my employer,
unless it is specifically said so.

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