Gnome libs 1.0.42 has been released

Hello guys,

   I have just released gnome-libs-1.0.42, please test this version as
much as possible, to enable us to provide a rock-solid GNOME 1.0.50
(September GNOME) release.

* Availability

* New in this release

	* Documentation

		* Proofreading fixed from Kjartan

	* Libart unused-memory access fix (Morten)

	* ANSI-fication of the remaining non-ANSI code in gnome-libs (Dave).

	* Infinite look in locale alias code fixed (KUSANO Takayuki).

	* GtkDial can have an upper limit now (Martin)

	* Dock Layout fixes from Morten.

	* --g-fatal-warnings will now work with AA canvas (Tim Janik)

	* Updated Korean (Changoo), Polish (Zbigniew), Swedish
	  (Richard), Norwegian (Kjartan) translations

	* Zvt fixes to work with debugging glib versions (Martin).

	* Zvt multi-line dingus-matching (Michael).

	* Zvt fixes for glibc2.1 systems that have broken default
	  terminal flag definitions (Michael)


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