Re: Auto Starting Applications in Gnome

* Brent Williams ( wrote:
> OK, I'm new at this...
> I want to change the programs that autostart as Gnome starts in the RH 6
> installation (functionally like the startup folder in Win 95/98).  I've
> looked at the Gnome doc, the RH doc and can't find anything that gets me
> started.  Can anyone help?
> Brent Williams

>From the way the session manager works, any applications left running
when you exit gnome should be restarted next time you run it.

Some applications are not compatible with this, so you can manually
add them to your session using FootMenu/Settings/Startup Programs.

If you still have trouble getting something to start with X, then
simply add the necessary commandline to your ~/.xinitrc (depends on
your runlevel, if you boot straight into X, I believe the file is
.xsession or .Xclients or something like that)

For example, my .xinitrc contains the line:

rt_log &
before the exec gnome-session line.

This runs a script in my ~/bin directory, which runs rt to log a file
to my root window. The ampersand (&) is (simplisticly) to prevent the
.xinitrc from waiting for the application to finish before continuing.

If you want to start an application _after_ x has finished loading
everything else, I guess you could do something like:
(sleep 8; rt_log) &

This may leaf a defunct shell lying around though... (Try it and see).

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