Re: Swallowing WindowMaker Apps

Nicholas Pappas wrote:
>         Has anyone has success in swalling WindowMaker Dock Apps into the
> Gnome 'panel'?
>         I recently switched from WindowMaker to Enlightenment and one of
> the (very few) things I miss are the dock apps!  I would like to find
> something that can swollow them, but have had no success getting them into
> the Gnome panel. :(
Why don't you tell us what goes wrong with swallowing dock apps?  Which

I find that the gnome panel will swallow almost all dock apps.  You have
to make sure to set the size at 64x64. I find wmmon and wmbutton work
fine this way.  

There are a few exceptions, like "" which you can get swallowed
using a trick like this.  This trick does not seem to work for me in
Enlightenment, but it does in WindowMaker and Sawmill. Start
with the -n option (the nonwindow maker option). If you have the gnome
pager or task manager running, note its name (in the X sense) is
"mount".  So open the panel menu, choose add swallowed app, and put the
Title of the Application to swallow as "mount" and DO NOT put anything
for command.  THis is a way of swallowing an already running

One part I've not solved. It does not continue to work if you close
Gnome and restart. You just get a blank spot in the panel. So you have
to go through that routine every time.

I try Enlightenment every few weeks and think it is lots of fun to see
what they are up to.  The difficulty of controlling dock apps is one of
its weaknesses, I think, and its one of the reasons I always end up
using WIndowMaker, although it frustrates me that they won't let users
adjust the number of title bar buttons or configure their usage.

Paul E. Johnson        			email:
Dept. of Political Science
University of Kansas           		Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66045         		FAX: (785) 864-5700

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