Re: E16/Gnome problem

----- Original Message -----
From: brady <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 8:24 PM
Subject: E16/Gnome problem

> Since I installed either the new version of Enlightenment or the new Gnome
> files some double clicks don't seem to be working quite right.  For

check the docs for keybinding stuff...  if you set it so E doesn't take the
root window click It may be happier...

> instance I have to double click on desktop icons about five times before
> they do anything.  I can't seem to get GnomeICU to pop up anymore at all
> because it requires a double click on the panel.

the GnomeICU problem could mean it's something different...   I'm not
sure...   If E's using the 16 default keybindings, then GMC will not play
nice with the root window mouse stuff...


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