Re: Integrate VMware and Gnome

Regis Duchesne wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Cool title eh? I'm in charge of making sure that VMware installs on
> Linux as beautifully as it does on Windows, and I have a few questions
> and remarks about this. I know this mail is long. My goal is triple:
>  . I don't want to annoy you
>  . I want to solve a real-world case: a third party company wants to
>    install its product on top of your software, and I want to make sure that
>    it is possible without you needing an access to that third company
>    sources. 

I should not say this: but you want the gnome developers to share there
hard work (source code), and give you technical help, so your closed
source product will....?

Perhaps I do not understand.

Dennis Lee

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