Split-screen (this is not the 1/2 panel thread)

I must have been jinxed by the 1/2 panel thread here. I have a screen
and a horizontally. It is a normal screen for about 2/3 then starts
over. Everthing (apps, menus, etc.) are mirrrored in both. I tried
putting setting s back to default, no go. Changing themes and wallpaper,
nope. Logged out and logged in another account and tried KDE for
entertainment. It does the same thing. Something in X land smells funny.

I'm on SuSE 6.2 dist, dual-boot (Linux owns the ENTIRE 2nd drive),
Gnome???, E .015 (I had set up for 1desktop)
One more piece is that just before this happened I had a couple of
Netscape sessions lock down and had to CTRL-ALT-BS to escape. The boot
up after the splitscreen started, forced an fsck on my root partition.

Gerald Brockman

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