Solaris x86 7 and gnome-session

I have recently upgraded from a basic Solaris x86 7 install to the
latest MU (MU4 - basically the latest update to Solaris 7)  and this has
caused gnome-session to fail. The tail of the  truss output gives the

X_mkdirwrite(2, " X _ m k d i r", 7)                    = 7
: write(2, " :  ", 2)                           = 2
Not ownerwrite(2, " N o t   o w n e r", 9)              = 9

write(2, "\n", 1)                               = 1
pipe()                                          = 5 [6]
ioctl(6, I_PUSH, "connld")                      = 0
    Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0xDF746AC0
      siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000
    Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [default]
      siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000
        *** process killed ***

I have tried recompiling after the update and also tried installing the
gnome-core-1.1.0 and it makes no difference. I am using GNOME 1.0.53.
Does anyone have any suggestions about getting rid of this. I have tried
using gnome-wm and panel in the startup script and this works although
my default session is no longer used and to logout you have to logout of
ethe window manager (enlightenment 0.16-2 in my case). Is there any way
to get the same setup as used by gnome-session  by using gnome-wm and
panel etc as direct entries in the startup script.

Should I report this problem to anybody so that it might be fixed in a
later release. It is difficult to trace which patch or change to Solaris
has caused the problem or I would remove the patch.


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