Re: Solaris dt login problem

in your $HOME/.dtprofile, comment the line
#export dtstart_sessionlogfile="/dev/null"
cause the problem and login with a failsafe session
visit the files $HOME/.dt/sessionlogs/*, $HOME/.dt/startlog,
/var/dt/Xerrors for errors


Stan Eisenberg wrote:

> Hi, I'm running Solaris 2.6 on an Ultra10 and ran into a DTlogin
> problem... I followed the instructions on
> and got
> semi-desirable results. The gnome logo and menu option are available
> from the login screen, but when I authenitcate I get the starting
> Solaris screen (with my gnome text addon, so I know it's running the
> start gnome script) followed by screens of various colors, then I'm
> booted back into the graphical DTlogin logon screen. To test if gnome
> was setup properly, I ran gnome-session from a console window in CDE.
> It appears to work, as I get no fatal error messages and the gnome
> taskbar along with the gnome help book successfully pop up in the CDE
> environment.I then ran enlightenment from another console window.
> While the program didn't run, I really didn't get any significant
> error messages until the program quit because I was already running a
> window manager which is quite understandable. Does anyone have any
> ideas as to what I'm doing wrong that is causing gnome to boot back
> into the DTlogin screen when trying to start from the login window?
> Thanks alot for the help! Stan           Stan   Eisenberg
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> MSU Computer Science Dept.
>              TA CPS 101
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

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