Re: Adding GNOME to Solaris7

Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> Seeing how GNOME is wonderfun and good, and how it has all the features that
> I need, I want to install it on my solaris machine.  Now, I can probably get
> through the compile, and get all the libraries installed and whatnot, but
> I'd like to do something a little more spiffy.  On Solaris you have that
> wonderful graphical login screen, that lets you choose which Graphical User
> Environment you use.  Currently, I can choose either Open(something) or CDE.
> Can I add gnome to this list?  Thanks,
>         Greg
see the /usr/dt/config/C/Xresources.d/Xresources.ow for an example of
how the OpenWindows desktop is added.

man dtlogin should provide all the info. it's a bit long, though...




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