Re: Compiling gnome-core 1.10 and gdk-pixbuf problems (different!)

> Well, before I gave up on the panel crashes and used RPMS, I ran gdb on the
> panel as per the instructions given to me (thanks!) and received the
> following; can anyone tell me what's wrong?
> 	Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> 	0x80794e7 in setup_no_alpha (button=0x80e3cd0) at button-widget.c:176
> 	176			if(!tiles.tiles_up[button->tile]->art_pixbuf->has_alpha)
> 	(gdb) bt

The tile you are using as one of the backgrounds doesn't exist.
This happened to me after I deleted most of the random images in my directory
and it wasn't until I deleted ~/.gnome/panel that it all worked again.

I was going to see if I could fix it before pointing it out, but I've not had
the time yet :)

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