Re: ...Pretty Good feature!

On Fri, 28 May 1999, Alain Marchand wrote:

> I don't know if it is gnome,  gtk or WM related?
> Any idea??? I have the feeling that it should not be too difficult for a linux guru...

I think taht it should be WM feature. This is the program that owns
root window and get keys. If I am right then it should be offered to some
wm developers.

> As I also mentionned, it would be also cool if we can  not  just enter a command line but also an URL. like how we can do it in the panel...
> Alain
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Daniel Persson []
> Sent:	Friday, May 28, 1999 9:35 AM
> To:	'Alain Marchand'
> Subject:	SV: Keyboard-> Pretty Good feature!
> This sounds like a nice idea - would it be possible/hard to implent ?
> /Myrridin
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: Alain Marchand []
> Skickat: den 28 maj 1999 01:42
> Till: 'Ben Frantzdale'; Vsevolod E. Shorin
> Ämne: RE: Keyboard-> Pretty Good feature!
> Hi all,
> You know what a good feature would be? Kind of a command line interpreter or
> application launcher like in all mentor graphics tool. If the mouse is over
> anything else than an application (over the background for example...) and
> then if you start writing something on the keyboard (like "emacs" for
> example), then a popup line entry will appear under your mouse, you finich
> typing your command, press enter, and here we go your application will
> start. 
> -- 
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