Re: Roll-your-own RPMS from CVS

Peter Wainwright said once upon a time (Sat, 29 May 1999):

> Given a long weekend and a thunderstorm, I decided to update Gnome
> on my RedHat 6.0 system. Since I already have Gnome RPMS on the
> distribution I decided to "roll my own" from CVS. To this end I
> modified my own script I previously used for installing without
> RPM. I have posted this on my website at
> I ran into a few problems (ongoing) with the compilation, largely
> bugs in files like "configure", "", ""
> etc. I have also posted these, and will continue to do so when I
> have time. The present work is on a CVS snapshot of 27th May.

One "problem" with this is you no longer have a "RedHatified" GNOME

If you look inside the GNOME SRPMs that shipped with RedHat 6.0 you will
find quite a few RedHat patches and additional files (default configs and
png files and such).  So in order to create "true" RedHatish RPMS and not
"generic" RPMs you need to forward port those patches and configs.  Some
patches are no longer required with the newer gnome releases because they
were committed to CVS, other patches probably won't ever get committed
since they are RH specific integration tweaks.

Dax Kelson

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