Re: Problems with RH6.0 GNOME

On Mon, May 24, 1999 at 08:49:25PM -0700, Vidiot wrote:
> Reference Redhat release 6.0.
> Problem 1:
>   This one is really nasty and I have no idea what is going on.  I have gnome
>   configure for one desktop with 9 virtual areas.  There are items in all
>   nine areas.  If I quit gnome and tell it to save the layout the next time
>   I start gnome ALL, and I mean ALL, of the applications are placed in the
>   upper left virtual area.  To make matters worse, they are all placed
>   top center, no matter where they were located previously.
>   Why isn't this working?

errr, gnome is NOT a window manager. you were probably running enlightenment

> I've been working with OpenWindows and the olvwm manager for many years.
> With that combination, I was able to start applications, size them and place
> them in particular virtual areas and position them within those virtual
> areas.  I have no idea how to do that with gnome.  Obviously the idea is to
> start applications, place them where you want them and when you quit gnome,
> save the session so that they'll return where you left them.  Well, that it
> horribly broken.  So, if there is a way to start applications and place
> them in particular virtual areas and at certain locations in the virtual area,
> I'd sure like to know about it.

again, flvwm is a window manager. GNOME is not.

Sarel Botha          |              X              | +27 341 81341
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System Administrator |          Solutions          | 3000, South Africa
 "The End is near." --

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