Re: binding "Windows" key to foot menu?

On Thu, 20 May 1999, Ben Frantzdale wrote:

> This has been mentioned before, but I have not heard any real ideas on the
> matter. I see no reason for the windows key not to raise the foot menu by
> default. Most people with recent computers have the key. I know E can do
> keybindings with it, so Linux,X,etc. must know about it.
> Is there a way to do this?

No.  I think this is an essential feature but....

This would require the Window Manager to be re-written to give focus to
the panel on that key-press, and for the foot to actually popup the menu
when this happens.  If you have more than one panel/foot, things become

I have just been ranting on gnome-devel about how trying to make gnome
work with existing window managers can only result in less than complete
integration of the desktop environment, so I won't do it here.


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