Cant get pics in gdmgreeter

OK, I've changed the settings in gdm.conf to include the face browser and
I've saved my picture as .gnome/photo in png format. I've made it
readable by all but I still get the nophoto pic in gdm when I login. 

I also tried putting it in /usr/share/faces/ but then gdm just kept

This is on RH 5.2 using the RHAD labs rpms for 5.2. Everything else works
great, just this one (albeit unimportant) thing is niggling me.

Anyone else had this prob or made the face browser work on 5.2?

 Paul Cooper           |  
 Phd Research Student  | 01203 523523 ext. 26325
 Room 129              |                         
 Mathematics Institute |                          
 University of Warwick |                          
 Coventry, CV5 7AL     |                          

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