Re: Gnome Doesn't Logout!

I'm having a similar problem.  I sort of found a (rather convoluted) 
workaround.  I haven't tested this but I did it twice last night and so it 
seemed reproducible on my system.  If you run startx (and 
Gnome/Enlightenment) then kill enlightenment (because you can't log 
out)  then kill the Gnome-session then run startx again everything will be 
relatively normal.  BTW: If I kill Gnome-session before Enlightenment all 
my Enlightenment settings are lost - this seems like a somewhat annoying 
feature - though I think I can understand why it might be preferable to 
have no settings rather than a potentially corrupted settings file.

I'll try it again tonight and see if this is truly reproducible or if it 
was just one of those late at night things.

>I have the following installed:
>[phobos:/home/kentp]$ rpm -qa | grep -i gnome
>And when I select the logout option from the 'Foot' menu it doesn't!
>Does someone know what's going on?  I am using Enlightenment as my WM
>so I know it isn't because I'm using a WM that isn't gnome compliant.
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