Install probs.....

Pardon me for asking what could possibly be a stupid and painfully obvious
question, but everytime I attempt to install gnome on a clean install of
redhat 5.2 I get the following errors.

First, after i edit my Xclients file and insert gnome-session and restart
and all that stuff, when i type in startx, gnome will not load.  this is the
error i get....


Priority 00  :  Starting         Id=default 0
Priority 00  :  Cloning         Id=default 0
Priority 00  :  Regerstering  Id=(null)

Segmentation fault  (core dumped)

ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(),  pid476, errno=2

um, i'm a newbie, i have no idea what to do.

thank you for your time

david luyk

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